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Great Energy Teachers of REIKI #3–Meet Peter Goldbeck

This series of great teachers of Reiki ends with my newest, hands-on energy teacher, Peter Goldbeck. Peter is a long lost relative with whom I recently connected. We chose our parents, extended family and upbringing before we were born, knowing we would eventually align on this journey of assisting others towards Light.

We reconnected while I was writing Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism. I will always be amazed at our easy reunion.

An over-qualified Reiki Master Teacher, Peter is attuned to over 20 forms of energy healing too numerous to list. Whenever teachers of Reiki shared a new wave of insight, Peter soaked it up and swam in that ocean. An example is the sound vibration aspect of Karuna Reiki.

ST. PETER, One of the Great Teachers of REIKI

What really makes Peter so different is his Catholic perspective. He was not a particularly religious person, but the value and role of the saints made a deep impression. Peter means “rock” in Greek, and the Bible says Jesus Christ said “it is on this “rock” the Christian Church was first built. (Matthew 16:18) St.

Peter’s service and ministry in particular resonates for him and he has deep love for and emulates the healing ministry of his namesake.

Teachers of Reiki like Peter possess unique high energy (read the posts about Nurah Brenda Johnson and K.A. Shakoor). Church-going childhood experiences as well as young adult experiences shaped them.

Classically-trained, Peter is now a guitar-playing rock ‘n roll musician who of course adores Jimi Hendrix.

He credits mood-altering substances combined with being struck by lightning in the 1980s for making him conscious of his ESP and ability to sense energy and chakras. A comedian as well, Peter does not suggest you “do this at home.”

Learning From Peter Goldbeck

Today, Peter is one of New York’s sought-after mediums and healers. He is closely affiliated with the Edgar Cayce Center in New York, because his gifts are recognized.

Who else has worked at St. Vincent’s World Trade Center Healing Center from 9/11/2001 to 2007, healing over 40,000 people affected by the catastrophe?

Peter teaches classes in psychic enhancement as well as Reiki enhancement on alternating weeks at the Edgar Cayce Center.

To say my ability to provide Reiki is higher since reconnecting with Peter is an understatement. I am a “Jedi” who has returned, as he says in his video.

Enjoy the video. Peter speaks the language of healing in a fast-paced, playful manner that is easy to follow and definitely “do” at home. To experience one of his classes is much like the Celebration featured in the video. (He also did the music for it.)

Feel the energy as Peter speaks its presence around and within you. I may not speak as fast or with such depth of the numbers, but I’d like to think Reiki training with me is as effective and joyous as it is with Peter.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid


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