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Energetics: Internal Holistic Health Engine Runs On It

pic of fireplace. energetics inside. burn up excess


Energetics is how I describe the many pathways to your ongoing healthy state and self-healing structure. You basically run on the energetics of mind, body and spirit.

The emotional contentment you possess is the balance beam upon which you keep yourself, through your energeticism, above-the-line in health and wellness.

The HealMobile loves all things energy. When I write about Reiki and energy healing, people ask me do I still have essential oils. If I do a string of posts about essential oils, they ask whether Reiki sessions are still available.

Recently, someone asked if they could come for a Tapping session and of course I said yes. A month ago, I found myself giving Reiki Foot Massages with VitaFlex Reflexology as part of Staff Appreciation Day at a NYC corrections agency.

This past Sunday I found myself grooving to the music at the Jazz Vespers of Bethany Baptist Church, as part of their James Moody celebration.

This morning I awoke intent upon listening to Naima by John Coltrane, because I knew I would be inspired to recall my magnificent dreams.

REVERENCE for Energetics Within You

These are some ways that I express my energetics.  How you express yours may be different, but they will be no less interesting and profound.

As you express Contentment, Joy, Loveliness and beam it my way — I salute the energy and the divine emanation that you are. I get you, both when you are feeling high on life and when you do not feel okay about the twists of life that lower your energy.

Your internal holistic health engine runs on the incessant energetics of breath, thought, bloodstream, heartbeat, lymph movement and joint response. The second brain of the abdomen (intestines) is also busy at work, digesting your life.

Then there’s the “hard drive” running on its own in the background. According to studies, your subconscious or unconscious self runs 90% of your habitual character that people call “you.”

What would your life look like if you were more aware of the audiotape made of memories, old teachings, others’ opinions, and more?

For Optimal Holistic Health — Remove the Blocks

I offer care and attentive assistance to help you listen to your internal audio. There are ways that it makes you somewhat of an automaton or robot. With care and attention, we can remove the static on your audio radio station. Energy block removal will delete the static that keeps you stuck AND YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF FOR DOING THE WORK!  In summary,

  • Universal life-force energy (Reiki) requires you to sit quietly or lie down (fully clothed) for what the cofounder Rev. Takata called a “reiki massage.” Guided meditation and spiritual health assessment is part of this service.
  • Aroma Freedom Technique allows us to look at your intentions and goals. This is a pre-coaching method to jumpstart or boost your journey energy. AFT is an aromatherapy service.
  • Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique is a way to use acupressure to move past whatever you identify as in your way, blocking your development.

Be in touch soon so we can journey together. Book two services before the end of the year, and a Reiki Foot Massage can be thrown in as a gift. (Must mention this post!)

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

Picture of my fireplace, symbolic of burning up unneeded, excess blocks of dead wood.

Claim Note:

The HealMobile offers educational and inspirational services and information. We want the best care for you, but cannot diagnose, cure or treat any disease, mental illness, or chronic medical condition. Many statements and health claims on this site are still under Food and Drug Administration (or other agency) review. As such, they are awaiting approval.

So, for long-standing physical or emotional problems, see your medical doctor or licensed health professional. Share your interest in the holistic approach with him or her. Ask for help in creating a plan for the complete healing of the symptoms and causes that concern you.


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