Knowingness: 5 Blue Energy Levels
- 06
- Feb

Knowingness can allow us to revisit and transform the narrative of “blackness.” Mainstream media and social media comments display a nay-saying, negative, not-knowing consciousness of positive blackness, especially as it relates to darkest-skinned people (i.e., “blacks”) AND across the board of multicultural, multi-hued humanity.
Many teachers talk about mindfulness. For me, knowingness is a step further in the conversation of the holistic health and healing of African descendants.
My premise is that our healing of individual spirit-mind-body occurs in the vast world of supremacist conditioning and oppression affecting the collective or masses. (I am not labelling this black-white on purpose.)
PLEASE KNOW THIS: The depressive and raging feelings caused by acceptance of collective pain and hopelessness, for everyone, can be transformed.
Developing the knowingness muscle is a way to learn alignment with Spirit and thereby avert depressive feelings. This is conducive to enhancing The Energy that I love experiencing, talking about and teaching people to access.

Krossroads Karima and Her Knowingness
I’ve identified 5 stages of knowingness based on the color blue, which in many traditional societies is a shade of black. Keep this in mind.
Let’s say Karima is at a critical crossroads in her life, and yet she presses on, because she knows she has something very important to do/be/give. We’ll say Krossroads Karima has five levels of knowingness— that is, she has five different levels of knowing represented by distinctive blue colors.
Pale blue= She has an inkling of self-knowledge. She has so many bushes, briars, fallen trees and sinkholes in her path that she just wants to get them out the way, and is almost consumed by her efforts. Because her view of her path is obstructed, she cannot see very far down the road.
Sky blue= She has seen her intuition work and still bumps up against doubt and voices (or variables) that describe what could be, instead of what is. Krossroads Karima steps carefully so as not to harm herself or others. She takes time to clear away brambles (cleanse) and fill potholes or put up warning signs (secure/protect) for others to beware.
What Knowingness Feels Like
Royal blue= This lady has her knowingness in the palm of her hand; cushion of her heart. She has embarked on a journey of metaphysical skill-building to be in service to others and appreciates her role despite red lights, road blocks and other obstacles giving her pause. She is learning to be with what is about her life and to more easily align with space (patience) and oneness (holistic definiteness of purpose).
Indigo= This is a blue/black/purple tone that is captured after twilight and before dawn. Krossroads Karima at this level approaches every action as the dawning of new consciousness, whether knowledge-based or not. She sees an obstacle as the possibility for opportunity and a setback as movement toward breaking through to clarity and vision.
Blue/Black= When Krossroads Karima has knowing/knowledge of this color, the color of night, she has aligned herself with oneness, ineffability, and the wisdom that exists beyond knowingness. Her presence is a comfort to her allies; she is formidable to her enemies. They retreat horrified and wisely decide not to engage or “play” her. They wish to become allies.
Many are Called, yada yada…
The above is an elaboration of so-called secrets of “black” energy as described in my book, Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism. Now, I’ll admit, I made up this blue story; it’s actually a download.
So the above is evidence of how yours truly got inspired. (“Out of the blue” — where all things come from– is discussed in my second book Nine Principles for Loving Living, here.)
What has surfaced after writing this, is the parallel between this colors list and the five major Stations of the Soul for spiritual balance, explored in my Sufi spiritual aromatherapy studies.
Major Stations of the Soul
- Station of Egotism (light blue)
- Station of the Heart (sky blue)
- Station of the Soul (royal blue)
- Station of Divine Secrets (Ones Who Know) (indigo)
- Station of Nearness (blue/black)
Notice that #4, the Station of Divine Secrets (Ones Who Know), seems akin to knowingness. At this point, Krossroads Karima has made her choice and is no longer trying to make a decision. The Station of Nearness is her state of constant meditation on or fulfilled mindfulness of (dhikr) the Creator.
Few human beings attain this state, though many of us desire it….
Continue reading on this page.
–Rev. Niamo Nancy
- Niamo Muid
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- Tagged with : African, blacks, blue, colors, egotism, energy, healing, humanity, indigo, knowingness, knowledge, oppression, soul, soul stations, supremacy
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