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2 Oils To Learn To Love This Hectic Life and Yourself

learn to love rosemary image

My daughter gave me a book called Learning to Love, by Victoria L. White, which I briefly reviewed here.

The most important lesson is that each person must grow and honor the relationship with one’s self before attempting a relationship with another. True and wise, but few offer accessible information about how to do it.

As the HealMobile, I am often in healing and driving mode. I do how, using techniques, readings, prayers, and praise to heal myself and the situations I encounter. I’m driving (directing) myself assertively forward, to progress and help others do the same.

Ms. White also points out that growing and moving forward is what ship in relationship means. Any relationship should move us ahead.

My main technique for rising above the hectic and growing my relationships is using essential oils and the Aroma Freedom Technique. Oils help me get to the center of issues that arise in the form of my reaction to memories, both positive and painful.

The Memory Release Blend comprised of frankincense, lavender and additional oils supports me in releasing memories and staying focussed on my intentions. Here are just two.

Learn to Love Rosemary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis CT channel) is documented to stimulate hair follicles and thereby contribute to growth and strength of the hair. I use it because my once-very thick hair is thinning in spots.  Due to pregnancies back in the day, I used a rinse of common kitchen rosemary when patches of hair loss occurred. It worked great.

Nowadays, every so often I’ll make a double-cheesecloth pouch of the spiky leaves to soften my skin during a hot bath. I also use the leaves to season a whole organic (or koshered or halal) chicken prior to baking. Last summer I grew it in a pot and loved making tea as well as cooking with it. It’s easy to grow.

Rosemary is an ingredient in the Four Thieves Vinegar of the Middle Ages, which helped spice merchants avoid the plague. Could it be the eucalyptol content or the camphor that repels harmful entities?

Just so happens, according to the Essential Oils Desk Reference (EODR), French hospitals used to use oil of rosemary to disinfect the air. This was based on the medieval belief that rosemary could protect against infection!

Today several oil companies it in their preventive health concoctions. This shows how ideas grow, become common, die and are resuscitated.

More to the point, the rosemary fragrance encourages me to believe I’m thinking more clearly, and with greater focus. This helps me to overcome the hectic, overburdened feeling. With greater clarity and focus, how can I not love myself more?*

image learn to love cedarLearn to Love Cedarwood

For another example, cedarwood (Cedrus atlantic) is a favorite for holistic health. This repeller of moths and other insects, available as wood chips and blocks, also supports skin health and the neural workings of the mind.

An incense of the wood is still used today in Tibet, and it’s part of their traditional medicines. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (IEEO)  this cedarwood is not the cedars of Texas and Virginia.

This one begins as a “pyramid-shaped evergreen with a majestic status, up to 40m [131 ft] high. The wood itself is hard and strongly aromatic because of the high percentage of essential oil it contains.” (IEEO)

Cedarwood is my go-to when I run out of frankincense oil and rocks (for burning).** For me, tree oils enhance my feelings of oneness and wholeness. Maybe I haven’t climbed the tree and looked out onto hills and dales, but I feel like I’m high up in my consciousness.

I sense the love and learn to love of All That Is when I inhale cedarwood. It is no surprise that the ancients of Kmet (Egypt) used this oil for embalming and to negate the unsavory. The purpose and value coincide: to maintain a spiritual and bodily connection for longevity, even after death.

There is no hectic life with love singing the consciousness and humming the body. Learn to love what you’ve been given to love.

Peace and calm come in so many forms if we but look, and look near at hand. These two home staples you probably already use demonstrate how true this is.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

*University of Miami researchers found that inhaling rosemary, “boosted alertness, eased feelings of anxiety, and amplified analytic and mental ability.” (EODR)

** Cedarwood is distilled from the bark and hardwood of the entire tree. The whole tree must be ground up to prepare for distillation. Compare with frankincense, which yields its sap into rocks or tears that can be distilled to make the oil, while the tree remains intact practically forever. One tree oozes its love, the other sacrifices itself. Give thanks –nature provides for our needs and is the external antidote to a hectic life we’ve created mostly from habit, and can recreate to a holistic life at will, and with help, if we seek it.


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