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African American Wisdom Course

AAWS_squarishHere is an ONLINE GLOBAL SUMMIT — a completely gratis course running all February 2016, and we want everyone to participate.   (Click the ads to register.)

I’m looking forward to the wide variety of different speakers, who are Buddhist, yogic or traditional African in perspective, and many are from California. I am surprised Amina Wadud isn’t listed, or another progressive Muslim speaker.

The following are two of the 20 speakers  that I’ve worked with in the past, and I’m glad they are participating.

Terrie Williams is publicist to the stars and author of Black Pain: It Only Looks Like We’re Not Hurting. I volunteered to work with Terrie at the launch of her book at Symphony Space in New York City. She had “healing rooms” available for those who might be moved by the extraordinary sharing of participants sparked by folks’ descriptions of their pain.

Etoy Ridgnal is an advocate for youth and one of the original facilitators of  the International Black Youth Summit. She is now  president of the Greater Los Angeles Area Community Advocacy Partners (CAP) since July 2011. She was the national Director of African-American Engagement and Faith Based Initiatives, 2013 – 2014.

In addition, LeVar Burton and Nikki Giovanni* are among the presenters.  The rest of the list includes African Americans and Canadians (going by the bio sketches). Everyone’s details and websites are list on the website.

This promises to be a great event, so sign on soon so you don’t miss anything. It starts Monday Feb. 1.

Of course they are selling a copy of the proceedings separately. Price of Wisdom Summit live: NOT A CENT.

Banner for African American Wisdom event from Shift Network


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