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7 Successes in the Lifestyle of Working from Home

photo of Sanctuary reiki table

The Sanctuary in Union NJ. A place to relieve emotions.

As children and adult students return to school this week, I find myself reflecting on my commitment to offering holistic health services and guidance from the gifts I’ve been given.

I split my time between commitment to providing energy support through The HealMobile and writing about spiritual topics, explored on my 9principles.org website.

The HealMobile is dedicated to helping people avert grief and suffering, by introducing ways to stay above the line that marks a change in the balance of mind-body-spirit and emotions.

The seven major achievements I’m proud of:

  1. I always have enough time for spiritual reflection and study; some days more than others
  2. I learned my best crunch time – relax time flow; this is critical to shutting down negative self-talk
  3. I handle meals effortlessly because I know my needs and take care of them
  4. I always have time for friends/family because I balance it with productivity demands
  5. I allow myself to create something new whenever I want; this gives me unimaginable freedom 
  6. I’ve learned my health, wealth and well-being set-points, and how to raise them
  7. I’ve gained calm and a contented demeanor, because I’ve eliminated the stress of chasing the dollar

Is it obvious TIME is my greatest friend in this effort? Managing time seemed impossible when I worked full-time.

Since I had worked part-time in holistic health for two decades, I knew at retirement I shift into earning money from continuing that work.   (I jumped when the job said take the package– 10-years and over 55.)

THERE IS AN 8TH THING: I’ve learned to be unafraid of the Internet and to use it to help me grow.  I’ll share more about this in another post.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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