Home » Above The Line Health » 6 Smells To Help You Beat Cravings

6 Smells To Help You Beat Cravings

pic of neroli to beat cravings

Food cravings get you down? This is a great article for above-the-line health that focuses on weight loss as well. Rather than just copy and paste, I thought I’d send you over.

Oils mentioned are below. The info is also supported by posts on this blog (in boldface type). There’s overlap and you may just want to use Search:

BEAT Cravings with These Oils

1. Peppermint — too many posts and pages to list; please use Search box

2. Jasmine — 2 posts

3. Grapefruit — 6 posts, one page

4. Black Pepper — 5 posts and one page; mentioned here already (*asterisks), except for this one:

5. Vanilla “The most beloved scent in the world”

6. Neroli — 8 posts

A few whiffs can’t hurt

If your cravings are really emotional longing or “bad” habits signaling, you need to pay attention. Maybe it’s time to get some scents. So let me know and I’d be glad to sit with you to talk more about essential oils and other holistic ways to come into greater harmony with yourself.


— Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

Image courtesy fragrantica.com, with this description: Orange Blossom is a fragrant distillation of fresh bitter-orange flower. This orange, also known as sour orange, is usually too sour to be enjoyed out of hand, but this very same bitterness makes this type of orange much more aromatic than the rest of the orange varieties. Almost all parts of bitter orange are used to produce beautiful and aromatic materials for the fragrance industry: the essential oil is derived from the peel of the fruit, orange leaves are used in production of Petitgrain oil, while the delicate white flowers serve in the production of Neroli and Orange Blossom absolute.


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