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New Cancer Supplements Offer A Range of Holistic Choices

All the anti- cancer supplements available in the global marketplace should make the second highest killer of Americans (after heart disease) a thing of the past. Will the medical establishment catch on? Don’t hold your breath.

In our other cancer article, we discussed how chemotherapy may cause cancer, according to doctors interviewed by the Health Sciences Institute (HSI). It is becoming much more common, however, for people with the disease to avoid chemo and its debilitating–and we’re not just talking about losing hair–side effects.

HSI’s cancer supplements newsletter describes several products and provides links to purchase the ones they’ve vetted. A summarized list is below with the resources, to save you time.

Meanwhile, the latest research about frankincense, orangepic of a bloom on the frankincense tree and other anti-tumoral essential oils include findings that demonstrate the build-up of the body’s defense system. The body strengthens enough to halt the spread of wayward and garbage cells.

The HealMobile knows you want natural ways to eliminate tumors and cancer. We prefer energetic body work, nutritional and mind-spirit techniques and essential oils for prevention and to build up your immune system. It is wise to broaden the range of choices available. You may come across methods or products and get easy access to them. You can say you heard about a few here.

Here are available anti-cancer supplements from around the world, as documented and promoted by HSI:

  1. AVEMAR. This “live food” product is a patented technique of fermenting wheat germ with baker’s yeast. Since 1996, 100s of mostly European studies and peer-reviewed articles attest to its effectiveness in reducing the recurrence of cancer. Used with chemotherapy, patients with colorectal cancer showed “a 67% reduction in metastasis and a 62% reduction in deaths.”
  2. PERILLYL ALCOHOL, RESVERATROL and more, for skin cancer. The former is found in tart cherries and the peel of citrus fruits; the latter in grapes. The polyphenols in POMEGRANATE FRUIT EXTRACT might limit skin cancer growth. Glycoalkaloids are chemical compounds found in an Australian botanical called the DEVIL’S APPLE PLANT. The use of glycoalkaloid-rich plants for skin conditions goes back to the second century C.E.
  3. AHCC (activated hexose correlate compound) is an extract of a unique hybridization of several kinds of medicinal mushrooms known for their immune-enhancing abilities. AHCC may appear in health food store anti-cancer supplements and formulations.
  4. CRINUM LATIFOLIUM is the Latin name for a Vietnamese herb revered as the Medicine for the King’s Palace and Royal Female Herb. These references highlight its ability to help ovarian and prostate health. HSI reminds men: A single test that shows an elevated PSA level should be followed with additional screenings. “Never trust a single PSA test, and never ever allow a doctor to perform a biopsy based on a single test.”
  5. JUZEN-TAIHO-TO is an ancient Chinese medicine adopted by Japanese physicians (1192-1333 AD), who regard it as a strengthening tonic for the ill and the elderly. It has 10 herbs that have a long, strong healing reputation: ASTRAGALUS, ATRACTYLODES RHIZOME, CHUANGXIONG, CINNAMON BARK, DONG QUAI, PANAX GINSENG, HOELEN, LICORIC, PEONY ROOT, REMANNIA ROOT. Astragulus in particular is said to help keep patients’ immune system strong while undergoing chemotherapy.
  6. PHELLIMUS LINTEUS (PL) from well-regarded mushrooms like maitake and reishi, fights breast cancer in four ways, says HSI:
    a. “It inhibits cell adhesion, meaning it keeps breast cancer cells from joining together to form tumors.
    b. “It restricts cell migration, so breast cancer cells can’t move to other areas of the body (known as metastases).
    c. “It curbs cell invasion, meaning the PL extract doesn’t let breast cancer cells take over healthy cells.
    d. “It suppresses angiogenesis, which is the formation of new blood vessels—something tumors can’t live without.”

RESOURCES (Note: We at the HM gain nothing from your purchases and aren’t responsible for website or price changes)

AvéULTRA, Avemar fermented wheat germ extract, The Harmony Company. Ph. (800) 521-0543; www.theharmonycompany.com. A box of 30 single-serving packets costs US$199.95 plus shipping.
Breast-MateTM, Mushroom Wisdom, Inc. Ph. (800)747-7418; www.mushroomwisdom. com. One bottle normally costs US$59.95 plus shipping, but HSI Members can save 15% by mentioning code HS-BM (both online and phone orders).
Energy Kampo, Willner Chemists; Ph. (800)633-1106; www.willner.com; cost is US$36.95 plus shipping and handling for 270 tablets.
Graviola Max, Rainforest Pharmacy, Ph. (877) 210-1560; www.rainpharm.com. One 120-capsule bottle is US$29.95 plus shipping.
Healthy Prostate & Ovary, Nutricology; Ph. (800)545-9960 or (510)263-2000; www. nutricology.com. A 180-tablet bottle costs US$58.22 plus shipping.
ImmPower (AHCC), The Harmony Company. Ph. (800) 521-0543; www. theharmonycompany.com. One bottle of 30 capsules costs US$54.95.
Sunspot ES, CompassioNet, Ph. (800)510-2010; www.compassionet.com. One tube (14g) is $34.95 plus shipping.
Vitalsail (Antrodia camphorata), King Wai Trading Co., Ph. (877)889-8968; www. myasianstore.com. One 60-capsule bottle costs US$79.35 plus shipping.



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