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Free Your Feelings with AFT

feel your feelings portrait niamo

UPDATE: I offer Free Your Feelings™ as a wellness service that includes AFT. See this page for how to get started, or book an appointment here. New offers and specials are on my Facebook page.

Maybe you’ve heard — when you free your feelings in Traditional Chinese Medicine, you free up illness and dis-ease that may be pressuring the body’s systems. For example, you may have heard that anger is stored in the liver or resentment is the cause of tumorous growths.

Certainly anger and resentment are not emotions to hold on to!

When you release the rage within yourself, your health is bound to improve. I speak from personal experience (skin and digestive issues), because when I am stressed my body shows it.

Make the choice to free your feelings and find out for yourself if there’s a relationship between poor health and stored emotions.

Introduction: Free Your Feelings with AFT

I recommend AFT, a new holistic modality. The following definition was crafted by a colleague, who shared it as an explanation for the power of AFT.

“AFT is Aroma Freedom Technique. It is a step-by-step process for identifying and releasing negative thoughts, feelings and memories that interfere with reaching our goals and dreams.

“AFT is meant to be used as a way to set a person’s emotional energy flowing in a positive direction, towards growth and expansion rather than contracting in fear, doubt and paralysis.

“It uses Young Living Essential Oils to trigger a permanent shift in how we view ourselves and the world.”

How to Succeed in Your First Free-Your-Feelings Session

  • I am not a psychotherapist, but will walk you through the process.
  • Essential oils are inhaled as part of the process; you may use suggested blends or your own favorite pure oils or scents (uncut aromatics are preferred).
  • Sessions can be held online.
  • Choose your best meeting time automatically here.
  • Request special hours via text if necessary, 201-966-1170.

Read my Ground Rules to prepare for a session here. Learn more about AFT and “energy medicine” via the HealMobile on the Services page (#2).

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

Claim Note:

The HealMobile offers educational and inspirational services and information. We want the best care for you, but cannot diagnose, cure or treat any disease, mental illness, or chronic medical condition.

So, for long-standing physical or emotional problems, see your medical doctor or licensed health professional. Share your interest in the holistic approach with him or her. Ask for help in creating a plan for the complete healing of the symptoms and causes that concern you.

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