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Chat with Dr. Norm Shealy

I am honored to have interviewed Dr. Norm Shealy, a neurosurgeon who chose advocacy of holistic health in the form of his own exclusive transcutaneous acupuncture, over acceptance and atta-boy inclusion in the old boys club of the AMA and the medi-pharmaceutical establishment.

When I first heard him speak to Nick Ortner (The Tapping Solution), I knew he was a classic HealMobile–someone invested in ideals, ideas, the realization of vision and the application of all of it to the betterment of himself and humanity.

Much of my discussion with Dr. Shealy revolved around revelation, accuracy in naming and name-calling, how he came to be the holistic medical healer he is and what he intends to do with his legacy.

For me, his life path exemplifies the nine universal principles I live by and want the world to know about.*

Before we began, I did not realize how well our conversation would bridge the metaphysics of spirituality and holistic health. We had an amazing conversation lasting about an hour. The 15-minute video captures these gems:

  • The medical/healthcare system DOES NOT LIKE the word holistic!
  • EVERY cell in your body is stimulated by your talking
  • Quartz crystal can amplify healing
  • It takes 3 MINUTES to activate an acupuncture point [with needles]
  • Certain essential oil blends activate acupuncture points in 3 SECONDS!
  • St. Francis of Assisi, who had 10,000 disciples, has been reincarnated
  • Dr. Shealy is the reincarnation of one of the Saint’s disciples!
  • Dr. Shealy has been spiritually adopted by a Native American people!

Enjoy the video and please provide comments.



*The nine principles are: Name, Praise, Master, Unify, Serve, Ask, Receive, Push and Expand. Click here to read more about them.

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