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THE HEALMOBILE (heel-mo-beel’) is a healing vehicle – the goal is to serve as health promotion vessel for working with leaders, to enable them to heal themselves and their organizations. Click here for more about our experience and qualifications.

The HealMobile employs Energy Healing, ReikiEssential Oils, Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping)  and Aroma Freedom to harmonize the body-mind-spirit and shift emotions through one-on-one and group sessions.

Our goals are:

1) To provide you with a New Direction and an “oil change” when you have paused or gotten stopped along life’s journey, and

2) To increase your “self-healing power and therapy” by sharing the teachings and practices for raising vibrational frequency for optimum health.

We want to see you AS your genius, so you can fully embrace and live your vision. Click here for more about co-pilot Niamo Muid’s background. One with the Creator IS a majority, especially energetically.


