Home » Above The Line Health » 5-PART HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE — Avoid Health Emergencies

5-PART HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE — Avoid Health Emergencies

pic of four-part holistic lifestyle approach

THIS IS A WARNING. If you reject the holistic lifestyle, you will place you and your family in danger. Emergency room visits cannot be avoided by prayers and diet alone. You need to be proactive in lifestyle. This is where most people fall short.

It is time to steer clear of emergencies and avoid dis-ease and disaster.

First of all, if you’ve found your way here, I commend your optimism. It will boost your holistic lifestyle success. Perhaps your prayers, praise and veganism led you here. However, even you purifying folks cannot avoid all danger.

Let’s face it, life is unpredictable. That monster circumstance will surprise, chase or hound you. The fact that it takes you for a loop is not really the challenge. The way you handle that unpredictable loop is.

You’ve got to deal with life’s surprises, so you might as well be prepared. A holistic lifestyle has five areas, separated into external and internal aspects. Adopting all aspects of this lifestyle will help you to avoid grief-causing emergencies. It isn’t that hard, and you do most of what’s needed already.

Holistic Lifestyle Outline

  1. External Management

The lifestyle ecosystem begins with Water & Land, and where you fit in. As without, so within (above/below).

  • Hydration
  • Frequency
  • Grounding

Your Home Environment affects how you are doing in every area of your life.

  • Maintenance
  • Cleaning
  1. Internal Management

Certainly, your Personal Care regimen is critical, because health and beauty always interconnect.

  • Maintenance
  • Cleansing

Your Habits, including activity and stillness, expresses your personal rhythm.

  • Food
  • Rest
  • Electronics/Technology

Finally, your Attitude is the gear shift marking  your transition, due to its effect on your mindset.

  • Character
  • Emotions
  • Purpose (spirituality)

Proactively Avoid Emergency Room Health Mgmt.

We will look at the five areas of internal and external lifestyle management over the next few posts.

To conclude, you want to have above-the-line health, avoid avoidable emergencies, and stay out of the emergency room. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire. Government programs clearly won’t be of help. The will and the “thrill is gone” in terms of public health support.

However, The HealMobile is here to help you to master the five areas. I have hope, optimism, and thankfully, blessings and promise.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid


The holistic lifestyle ecosystem includes Water & Land and the Home Environment. Both influence the flow and structure of circumstances and lifestyle. Are there ways to enhance your effectiveness in these areas?

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