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2013 Summit Report – Trigger Happy in Ottawa, Canada

This 2013 Summit Report is a personal take on how the International Black Summit transforms lives for the better. Seen through my eyes, below are a few of the happenings, breakdowns, breakthroughs occurring to/with the 150 or so folks meeting at the National Hotel, Aug. 1-4, 2013. (Somehow this didn’t upload right afterward, though written in August. I apologize.)pic of 2013 Summit postcard

I’m talking about the Annual Summit Event! What a space to be in! You have never heard stories of people’s lives as you hear at the Summit. Better than soaps, nighttime drama, comedy, church, the confession booth, concerts. OK, John Coltrane’s “My Favorite Things” just may supersede…

And, just being around African people willing to share who they really are in the world is awesome and life-changing and real. I could feel my life changing just listening to people. Tasting transformation up close.

Two firsts (a miminum of): Our Health and Wellness Room offered two recliners, one with deep massage donated by a local pharmacy, yoga, guided meditation, reflexology, essential oils, smooth ocean music. Ahh. (Loved being on this committee.) #2, The Young Adult Summit had their own, separate experience, under the leadership of Wambui Ngugi. (ages 18-35) Wambui comes all the way from Kenya to attend the Summit!

The 2012-2013 question, What is available when I NOTICE my trigger, BE with what is, and TRUST that it provides me access to my vision fulfilled? had everybody talking about their triggers. I got triggered by this, LOL! But, as a result, my vision, “Joy in the homes. People dancing in the streets,” has expanded to include a level of unconditional love I never experienced before. My inner and intimate self loomed after an unusual meeting with my husband and another couple. We got a lead on releasing quite a few triggers.

W. Paul Coates (BCPDigital.com) invited renowned poet Lillian Allen to share her work. Her birthday tribute to the Leos present was “Limbo Dancer.” I was tickled because I have a few of those in my Trinidadian family. Sistar Lillian utters lots of sound when she reads and I felt that I was going low under that stick to drumbeats for personal freedom and community liberation. Yeah, she went all the way there.

Later, fellow facilitator Clara Lyons DeVaughn “assigned” me to do a praise dance to the Winans’ “Everything Must Change.” Her dear Edwin passed last year. We were joined by Mwangaza Michael Bandele and the three of us just flowed and ebbed together, occupying all parts of the stage (front of the room). We represented the diverse cultures of Summit participants, since we were a Muslim, Christian and Traditionalist dancing in harmony, whole and complete.

The dance’s completion signaled Spirit awakened: Clara vibrated body-voice-soul-tears at high energy for at least five minutes more. The entire room grounded her.

The weekend marked the start of my sixth decade of life. And yet I feel like a child in so many ways. (Due to Inner Child ™ essential oil?) I love being in discovery in the environment of the Summit because there is so much learn, do and be about and with like minds too? No other place to be but with Summit folks.

The 2013-2014 question is:
“What do my triggers reveal that provide me access to alignment with my authentic self?” I am triggered with the word “trigger,” I’d like to think I’ve had enough. Yet this is what participants generated from their lives to the space, and what facilitators heard to give back to the space in the spirit of expansion and possibility. My authentic self is still being discovered and I would love to be totally aligned with it. So this next year I’ll be looking at what my triggers reveal that give me access, no holds barred.

Not only that, but the Young Adult Summit came up with, Am I aligned with my authentic self and with my vision? I am so feeling that one, even if I am almost double the age bracket.

You must travel to Belize with us next summer, the first weekend in August (7/31-8/3/2014). Learn more about what’s available by participating in the conversation. Listen to the International Black Summit Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio.com every Sunday at 8pm. Visit the Summit’s website for more information. (blacksummit.org)


Niamo N. Muid-Davis, Facilitator
International Black Summit
0wner, Million $ Dollar Store, 93 First St., Elizabeth, NJ 07206
(201) 966-1170



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