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12 Sun Signs Part 2

pic of entryway w/roses: Taurus and Libra sun sign

Note roses at this entryway (sun signs Taurus, Libra). Come home to de-stress. 

6 More Sun Signs and Their Stress Indicators

This continues the sun signs discussion. Each sign represents a reason to stop beating yourself up about your health, and de-stress instead. (3/2/17)

We drew from and adapted wisdom in the Complete Textbook of Holistic Self-Diagnosis (L.O. Afrika, 2013). This book confirms that a person’s immune system, state of health and vitality can be discerned based on the sun sign.

Fragrances are included because Dr. Afrika recognizes and loves “nature’s living energy” we get from plant essences and aromas.

What better way to de-stress than to use fragrances, the basis of aromatherapy, to combat stress?

It’s Just Who YOU Are

Like genes, sun signs and indicated imbalances are part of you. This is why they surface and cannot be avoided. You can, however, decrease their influence.

Each sign has its own stresses and stress reactions. If you know the placement of your rising or moon sign you may also use this list to know what kinds of stresses to steer clear of.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22 “I Balance, I Equalize” [male duality, M]

Stress: Instability, loss and/or conflict in a relationship. Reaction: Kidney problems, skin disease, headaches, eye strain, urinary tract infection. Rose fragrance.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21 “I Desire” [female duality, F]

Stress: Conflict, worries and/or unstable economics, loss of attention in relationship, work and/or activities. Reaction: Lower back problems, sex interest declines or increases excessively, constipation, sex organ problems, hormone imbalance. Cypress fragrance.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21 “I See, I Keep the Truth” [M]

Stress: Emotions, activities and/or social life become repetitious, predictable with no new modification. Conversations that are routine and create boredom, and being in one situation too long. Reaction: Infections, abuse of energy drinks, alcohol, liver problems, drugs and/or stimulants, sin rashes. Jasmine fragrance.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19 “I Use, I Accomplish Abundantly” [F]

Stress: Emotional negative or positive pressure from work, activities, and relationship: lack of stimulation from random activities or socializing. Reaction: Knee, leg, and back problems, sleep disorder, arthritis, joint pain, teeth problems, orthopedic problems. Cypress fragrance.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18 “I Know” [M]

Stress: Unsuccessful with social and/or emotional activities. Reaction: Exhaustion from self or others’ activities, circulation problems, headaches and migraines, unusual disease or problem, heart problems, ankle sprains and breaks, varicose veins. Lavender  fragrance.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20 “I Believe” [F]

Stress: Loss of direction for life, decrease or lack of emotional, spiritual or other reason for living. Reaction: Chemical and/or impurities in non-organic food cause sensitivity; abuse of alcohol, stimulants, and/or drugs. Mint fragrance.

— Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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The HealMobile is dedicated to dramatically improving your life. However, services and information on this website are not substitutes for medical or psychological diagnosis or prescription. We do not recommend treatment, caring for or cure of any disease. See a doctor or mental health professional for long-standing conditions. Share your interest in the self-care techniques mentioned here with him or her, and note the response.

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