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My Experiences With The International Black Summit

photo of Niamo: I never dreamed I'd own a storeThe International Black Summit releases memories and and fulfillment of wishes in me: Toronto. Cape Coast, Ghana. Miami. Highland Park/Detroit. Birmingham. Ottawa. Chicago. Oakland. Atlanta. Salvador de Bahia, Brasil. New York. These are places I visited for the annual summit event (see the event page) or for planning body and leadership body meetings the Summit held in some cities.

I missed South Africa, Kenya, Philadelphia and Jamaica because they occurred before I began participating.

I missed London and Anguilla because my husband didn’t have his passport.

New friends are an added bonus of The SummitMy first Summit inquiry was, “What is available in noticing all that I create that keeps me unconscious to the wonder that I am?” To ponder this thought has been a pleasure for the past 12 years (after I got over blaming myself for being unconscious), and each passing year of the Summit has had its own inquiry or declaration statement. Meaning, new revelations “to live into or live from.”

The purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the Black community and the world. So says the Summit brochure. It continues:

What IS The Summit?

A Conversation being given by life to the world through people of Black African descent.

pic of laughing facilitators of the Int'l Black Summit, Coates Residence, Wash., DCThe conversation finds its expression in the International Black Summit Declaration of the International Black Summit. . .

An Event that takes place every first weekend in August of each year, attended by people of Black African descent who are committed to the unfoldment of the Declaration in their lives. . . .

A Gathering of people of Black African descent from diverse backgrounds, countries, lifestyles, opinions and views–who come together to celebrate and empower the vision of the Declaration.

What I’ve gotten out of the Summit (random order)

  1. closer connection and surrender to God
  2. new friends
  3. new husband
  4. awareness of habits of thinking, doing and being that don’t help me much less others
  5. absolute certainty that anything is possible
  6. clarity about the “game of life” and how to play with people
  7. deeper love and trust
  8. “unleashed” commitment to serve
  9. awareness of character traits I didn’t know I had, like good humor, gruffness and more that I’ll keep to myself lol
  10. increased ability to let go painlessly and without regret
  11. courage to co-host a Summit Share at my house on July 7th (yeah, i got issues; overcame them; we had a great Share!)
  12. more humility; knowing when to stop
  13. discovery of my purpose, passion, gift
  14. wisdom, knowledge and understanding that my contribution can help

So, it’s THE SUMMIT in Ottawa, Aug. 1-4, 2013, and onward to Belize next year.


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