Home » Above The Line Health » Great Energy Teachers of REIKI #2–Meet K.A. Shakoor

Great Energy Teachers of REIKI #2–Meet K.A. Shakoor

pic of K.A. Shakoor great energy teachers

One of the great energy teachers on my journey is Grandmaster Khalid A. Shakoor. He was my second teacher of Reiki (spiritual healing energy), and he led me far deeper into the Sufi and qi (chi) aspects of Reiki. It is through his dedication, training and assistance that I became attuned to and initiated as a Reiki III Master Level Teacher.

I met Prof. Shakoor at a Philadelphia Health Fair during a crucial period in my life. He took my pulse and basically was able to read the essence of my life. I was at a crossroads and his multifaceted background “was what the doctor ordered.” This great energy teacher’s spirit had him listen my spirit and respond to Spirit’s request that I elevate beyond the mundane to be who I truly am.

Prof. Shakoor also possesses Sufi and Quranic knowledge, and served as a city agency chaplain in Detroit during the 1970s. This aspect aligned with my spiritual background. I felt supported using dhikr* prayers while also following his Reiki guidance and coaching. He is always busy, but in our in-person and phone meetings, he guides with excellence.

It is because of his training that I have a special Reiki training module for believers in all three of the Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

One of the Country’s Great Energy Teachers

Prof. Shakoor possesses a Master’s of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine degree from the Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine in Gainesville, Florida. He has 50 years of experience in the fields of energetic and internal martial arts. He is focused on the “discovery, development and movement of the internal life-force ‘Energy’ or Chi (Qi).” Here are highlights:

  • Master Level Reiki (Usui Shiki Ryoho, Private Tutelage, with the late Pamela Scott)
  • Basic Shamta Meditation, Ongoing, Lama Losang (Dr. David Bole)
  • Mudlack (Ph.D. equivalent) 15 years Sufi Healing Practices (Private Tutelage under Machmoud  Salam and Ibrahim Muyhee)
  • Doctor/Master Level Ruh Ka Prana Chi Society (private Tutelage, with Prof. Karim Darwish)
  • Qi-Gong (three years Private Study, with Dr. Qian Yang)
  • Professional Member, National Qi-Gong Association

“Yoga, Qi-Gung, Tai Chi Chuan, Baguazhang, Kung Fu, and Ju-Jitsu” are primary for him, but energetic and healing practices such as Reiki are important tools in his arsenal.

Ongoing Learning About Energy

Prof. Shakoor is currently working on a doctorate. His website expounds on his personal brand, Maahaah-Rooh Internal & Energetic Systems.  You can watch his many YouTube videos and learn with him on a continual basis that is adapted to your needs, as I have.

The name Maahaah-Rooh comes from Sanskrit, but its phonetic sound has many meanings. Spelling maahaah with seven letters “represents the seven main energy centers of the body.”  Maahaah means “great,” and Rooh comes from the Japanese Ryu, “way” or the Arabic (Sufi) “soul.”  Maa also means “mother,” The Source, compassion, the sun or solar.

Therefore Maahaah-Rooh means the great way of the self, the great mother of light, and the great way of unification. Prof. Shakoor has written Maahaah Yoga: The Book, as well as Health, Healing and Happiness #1, #2 and #3, which are described on his site.

Whenever I speak with or see him during his travels between Florida and New York/New Jersey, this  qi expert teaches me how to embody “Reiki Master.” I continually grow as I learn, apply and teach this wonderful energy-healing art, and I always incorporate the above-the-line health tips he always offers.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid


Buy the digital version of my book, Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism by sending $6.95 to the HealMobile account at Paypal. See details here.

*Dhikr or zikr is an Arabic word meaning remembrance, meditation on God, and concentration on the  attributes of God. It is similar mantra used in yoga and Hindu or Buddhist meditation  practices.

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