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3 Great Energy Teachers of REIKI (Universal Energy)–Meet Nurah Johnson

pic of Nurah, eyes closed

Energy teachers are educators of a different kind. I am blessed to have three great energy teachers whose contribution to my growth is immeasurable. They taught me about the universal life force or spiritual healing energy that many call Reiki.

I briefly acknowledge their contributions in my book, Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism. Over the next three days, God-willing, I’ll share my joy and gratitude that I’ve had the best healing-energy teachers in greater detail than I do in the book.

Nurah Brenda Johnson, #1 among Energy Teachers

In late 2006, Sister Nurah and I were destined to meet. A mutual friend forwarded my email regarding a planetary change to her, and we began conversing through cyberspace.

She wanted to be careful about sharing news about the impact an astronomical shift might have on humanity. I agreed that the galactic shift foretold might be influential, but people could choose to advance humanity without it. Whether or not the alignment of the spheres was “true,” healers and energy teachers still had to do their “work.”

At the time, I really didn’t know what Sister Nurah was talking about. She was the first person I ever heard speak about energy and being a healer as if they were the most natural things in the world. She explained that she was a Reiki teacher and I shared that I’d heard of Reiki but had never met someone like her. And so our relationship began.

REIKI Training

It was obvious I was to learn Reiki from her. She was as quirky as I was and 10 years older, so I knew was a special opportunity. She taught and I learned Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 with a few other women at her home.

I soon joined the International Reiki Association and did a lot of research on my own. Where this training would lead, I really didn’t know. Yet I did know that my fragile emotional health as well as growing knee pain needed to be addressed. They were.

REIKI Results

I now credit Reiki with helping me to end a 25-year partnership –that was no longer serving me– in an amicable, supportive manner. Gone were feelings of guilt, shame, despair and failure, since I realized, like a lightbulb going off —“I could be HAPPY!” 

Sister Nurah played a pivotal role in my adjustment to heeding the promptings of my Higher or True Self. We did not always agree and now I realize that she and her teaching style were expressly chosen by the Creator to handle my left-brain resistance.

I needed more work than I was willing to admit. She often saw through me and I often denied what she saw. I struggled with what was coming up from inside of me, and with her for seeing so clearly where I was and needed to be. 

Giving Thanks and Praise

Psychologists often state that when you wrestle with someone, you are really wrestling with the aspect of yourself that you see in another.  She and I wrestled and we overcame as we grew. I can say that my life today would not be the same if we had not met. In fact, I cannot imagine what my life would look like if I had not met her. 

Now I am teaching Reiki somewhat like Sister Nurah taught me, and experiencing the joy of seeing people grow and blossom despite experiencing growing pains while doing so.

I give thanks for Sister Nurah Brenda Johnson being a Light in my life. I fully appreciate why she was chosen to be my first Reiki teacher.

—Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

Tomorrow: Grandmaster K.A. Shakoor


Buy the digital version of my book, Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism by sending $6.95 to the HealMobile account at Paypal. See details here.

Photo Credit:  Reiki Master Teacher Nurah Brenda Johnson standing next to a painting by Miah Leslie, her daughter. Photo courtesy Miah Leslie. 

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