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11 Tapping Points To Change Your Mindset

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The 11 points on the body that I normally use when tapping are what prompted this title. In fact, the FREE 9th Annual 2017 Tapping World Summit is online right now — and you can partake in it. (It’s day 3 of a 9 day event)

drawing of head tapping points

Tapping, also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a modern blend of acupressure and psychology. It is not only good for pain relief, but also nonphysical stress and pressure –AKA pains in the neck and arse!– that afflict mind, spirit, and emotions.

The 11 Tapping Points I Use

These are also pictured on downloadable PDFs provided on the Service page.

  1. karate chop point
  2. beginning of eyebrow
  3. outside of eye socket
  4. under eye
  5. under nose
  6. under chin
  7. collar bone/clavicle
  8. under arm (4-6″)
  9. under breast (4-6″ under nipple)
  10. at wrists
  11. top of head

I am happy to guide you in tapping IF you have formed an inquiry or intention that you want to address. Schedule a session or an exploratory chat (text (201) 966-1170).

Highlights of Today’s Free Audio

One of my favorite Tappers is Margaret Lynch (and not only because she danced to James Brown music for her grand entrance on an early video).

Today Margaret discussed how to transform this statement: I could have done better!  She said this is one of those innocuous statements that hides how we really feel about ourselves — not so good. She explained,

Many of us have a foundation of doubt where a foundation of self-confidence should be.

She said many self-growth enthusiasts take courses upon courses, get certifications upon certifications, and in other ways externally strive to “prove or earn” their way to self-confidence.

The kind of confidence needed is not learning and striving for externals. 

It is about self-worth and inner recognition, and “some people never step OUT,” she said, to meet and embrace themselves where they really are.

There’s a blind spot that prevents them from seeing who they are is not going to change with the accumulation of another degree, accolade or milestone.

She then took host Jessica Ortner and us listeners through the process of tapping to bring us present to these blind spots. She ended by asking us to ask ourselves,

What would you do if you were just 10% more delighted to be you?

Indeed. What a refreshing question. Are you chasing rainbows? Do you have a habit of consistently “striving” for another feather in your cap?

New brain research proves the brain can rewire itself, and tapping is excellent for addressing “haywire-ing” that may have your brain “draining.” The Summit has speakers who provide all the scientific basis for why and how tapping works.

As India.Arie has sung, Come back to the middle. Tapping can help.

I have experience in tapping as a student of the Gold Standard EFT,™ created by the founder of EFT, Gary Craig. I also have profound stories to share, and you can read a few on the Testimonials page.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

For another viewpoint on tapping see my blogpost interview with Dr. Norm Shealy, a tapping pioneer. Or just Google him. He calls his method transcutaneous acupuncture, and he is also part of the Tapping World Summit lineup.

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